Monday, November 9, 2009

About me =]

Hello people!!! =] As you should know (if you're reading this I would hope) my name is Victoria Costabile. Although I have quite a few nicknames, which some of you reading may know of. I have a nice long list of them, which maybe we can talk about some other time. ahaha. But I would like to share right now my favorite of them all, (whitch most know as) my Afrcan name, Aminat. It means most loved, especially the youngest sibling. The story behind this is short, I was on a missions trip to Uganda summer 09, and everyone was getting African names from one of our translators/friends. I asked Susan for one, she thought a moment and said, "HAH! You shall be called Aminat!" Of course I had no idea what that meant so of course I asked, and I sat there for a while trying to figure out why I would be most loved, youngin' because back at home I was the middle child, so it made no sence. I thought about it for a week, and FINALLY I realised, "OH! I'm on of the youngest on my team!" So that's enough of that story... haha. Back to talking about ME. Well the first thing you should know is I hate talking about myself... But let's see..... You probably can't get me to do anything absolutely crazy, but I do random crazy stuff on my own. So that obviously makes no sence I guess... I like to have fun, but without getting in trouble (by my parents) of course, except it is fun to get kicked out of stores... =] I like to spend my free time taking pictures of really anything. Photography it my favorite passtime, so if I have nothing to do, then you might have a hard time finding me, as I may be outside looking for something to take pictures of. =] Another thing you might want to know about me is I love to play sports. I will play any sport I can. So far I've played softball (9 years!), Soccer (2 seasons), and Volleyball (1 season). and I plan on playing basketball here soon. Also I am a relection of where I came from so you should know about my family. I have 7 siblings, give or take, ahaha, My family does foster care for children in our county, so sometimes we have extra kids in the house. We love it and sometimes we get amazing kids, and sometimes we end up with the harder to deal with ones, but before they leave they ALWAYS change it's quite amazing what disipline and love can do to a child, it really is. Umm... My dad goes to school in PA, he's going to be a PA (Physicians Assistant). And I plan on following his footsteps one day. And whike he is there, we are still stuck in MD trying to sell our house so we can move to PA with our dad. But it's hard to sell such a big house when the market's this bad. So we're here holding up the fort. My mom is amazing! Right now she has 5 of her own PLUS 2 foster kids runnin' around the place! And she is such a good mother, especially with the lil-uns'. I've got incredible siblings man! I got luckyyy! I can't say much about them all cause theres so many and I don't have enough time to say too too much about them, I'll have to post a blog about my family sometime actually, but we have Chrissy (Steven- the brother-in-law), Brett, Alison, Holly, Ryan, Joy, and Jack. Then I have amazing friends which I will also have to talk about some other time, but my bestest friends are Meghan Bonner, Jesse Shahan, Becca Oakley, James Campbell, And Josh Bonner. They're all quite amazing. =] That's really all I can thiink of.... I think I kinda side-tracked there a bit..... but oh well =P more posts to come soon!

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